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I am a hardworking and dedicated Mechanical Design Engineer with a wide work experience that have helped me to gain an excellent understanding of the design processes as well as in  manufacturing methods in all the design (CADMID) stages of a product. With a vast knowledge of design software, including AutoCAD, SolidWorks, CATIA and ANSYS analysis and outstanding technical drawing abilities with skills and experience on Additive Manufacturing systems. 

Academic Qualifications



University of Wolverhampton in UK 09. 2014  to  10. 2015 

Department of Engineering and Technology, Industrial Design Engineering.


  • Master Thesis Project :

"Comparison of Metallurgical Properties for Inconel 718 Produced On an EOS M270 Laser Melting Machine."


Bachelor's Degree


University of Karabuk in Turkey  09. 2008 to 07. 2013

Design and Machine Building Education BSc

(3/4 Equivalent to UK Honours first degree, Award Certificate of Merit )


  • Designing and Manufacturing Stair Climbing wheelchair for Bachelor's thesis.


  • Designing and Manufacturing  3 Axis CNC Machine Prototyping, Term Project.

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